(Updated) New Microsoft Outlook for Windows and web: Improvements to working hours and location


Microsoft Outlook is updating features related to working hours and location, with rollout timelines specified for various user groups. The updates include a revised daily location menu and integration of work location with Out of Office time. No admin action is required for the rollout.

More Information

Updated September 24, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below for GCC High and DoD. We apologize for the delay and will provide an updated timing when available. Thank you for your patience.

In 2023, Microsoft Outlook on the web and new Outlook for Windows released new flexible working hours that allowed users to set different working hours and location (office/remote) for individual workdays. Users could update their daily work location in the calendar and see their coworkers’ work location in the scheduling assistant. We will soon roll out these additional updates:

  • Updated daily location menu to help users plan their day and see who else is in the office
  • Integrating your work location with your Out of Office time

This message refers to MC553273 (Updated) Outlook on the web – Work Hours and Location (May 2023) and is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 383721.

When this will happen

Outlook on the web and new Outlook for Windows

  • Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late March 2024 and expect to complete by late April 2024. Complete
  • General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late March 2024 and expect to complete by late May 2024. Complete
  • General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out early May 2024 and expect to complete by late June 2024. Complete
  • General Availability (GCC High, and DoD): We will begin rolling out in early 2025. (We will provide an update once the schedule is set)

How this will affect your organization:

Learn more with this blog coming in May 2024: https://aka.ms/NewWHLOutlook (points to support article before blog is ready)

Outlook on the web: daily peek with suggestion:

user controls

Outlook on the web: set your out of office location:

user controls

What you need to do to prepare

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified date with no admin action required. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

User support: Learn more about work hours in Outlook – Microsoft Support

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