Windows Server RDS Temp We can't sign into your account

Windows Server 2019 working on RDS Farm If you have a structure and your users are viewing their profiles temp You may encounter a problem such as logging in to your profile.

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) We can't sign into your account His mistake

rds profile temp

“This problem can often be gixed by signing out of your account and then signing back in. “If you don't sign out now, any files you create or changes you make will be lost.”

First of all, this error is caused by a communication problem between the RDS server and the Active Directory server. To definitively solve this problem, you need to check the server after logging in to your Active Directory server.

During a problem I was experiencing, I was constantly seeing the Active Directory server being started in safe mode on the recovery screen. The AD server was automatically starting in safe mode on every reboot, which was causing all services connected to the DC to work incorrectly.

Active Directory Server Always Starts in Safe Mode.

This problem first requires us to go to the System Configuration screen. All you have to do is run “msconfig” on Run.

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We come to the boot menu and see that the safe boot option and the Active Directory Repait option are selected. This issue usually occurs on Active Directory servers restored with Veeam or after uncontrolled repair operations.

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After unchecking the Safe boot and Active Directory Repair options, it will be sufficient to reboot the server.

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After the Active Directory server has started normally, we connect to the RDS server for the operations we need to perform on our RDS server.

Fixing RDS Temp We can't sign into your account Profile Problem

RDS We go to the regedit key below on the server and we need to delete the temp profiles.

"HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent VersionProfileList"

Sample Temp Profile: S-1-5-22-987635098-8998673100-14674936667-4334.bak (all keys with .bak at the end of the value are marking temp profiles.)

Then we need to delete all temp profiles under C:Users.

Later RDS You can verify that this issue is resolved by restarting the server.

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