MSCommerce Module Installation

Microsoft 365 Self-purchasing by users in management (Self-Service Purchases) and if you are looking for an effective solution to control trial versions, MSCommerce Module can meet all your needs. MSCommerce Module simplifies the management processes of Microsoft 365 administrators and allows users to configure their access rights in detail.

In this article, we will talk about general information about MSCommerce Module.

Do you need to find out your Microsoft 365 Tenant ID? You can do this via PowerShell and the 365 Portal, as well as from the Microsoft 365 Tenant Find site;

What is MSCommerce Module?

MSCommerce The module is Microsoft's PowerShell is a tool based on Microsoft 365 administrators, allowing users to self-purchase (Self-Service Purchases) and allows administrators to manage trial versions. This module gives administrators the ability to control whether users can purchase specific Microsoft products or third-party offerings on their own. 

MSCommerce Moduleespecially AllowSelfServicePurchase a named PolicyID parameter. This parameter allows administrators to specify which products users can access self-purchase or trial versions for.

To use the module, you must have Windows 10 or later operating system and the Global or Billing Administrator role in your Microsoft 365 tenant. The MSCommerce Module can be downloaded from the PowerShell Gallery and installed using PowerShellGet. 

How to Install MSCommerce Module?

MSCommerce Module Make sure the following requirements are met for the installation:

MSCommerce Module System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 10 or later version.
  • PowerShell Version: PowerShell 5.1 or higher.
  • Authorization: You must have the Microsoft 365 Global Administrator or Billing Administrator role.

MSCommerce Module Installation

We will install it via PowerShell Gallery MSCommerce The module is as follows;

First of all, you need to run PowerShell as administrator.

MSCommerce To install the module with PowerShell Get, you need to run the following command;

Install-Module -Name MSCommerce
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MSCommerce After the installation is complete, the module PowerShell To include it in your session, you must use the following command.

Import-Module -Name MSCommerce
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MSCommerce installation of the module and MSCommerce Module We performed the Import operation for .

MSCommerce Module Available Commands

You can use the following command to list the commands that can be used with the MSCommerce module.

PS C:UsersCengizYILMAZ> Get-Command -Module MSCommerce

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Connect-MSCommerce                                 2.3        MSCommerce
Function        Get-MSCommercePolicies                             2.3        MSCommerce
Function        Get-MSCommercePolicy                               2.3        MSCommerce
Function        Get-MSCommerceProductPolicies                      2.3        MSCommerce
Function        Get-MSCommerceProductPolicy                        2.3        MSCommerce
Function        Update-MSCommerceProductPolicy                     2.3        MSCommerce
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Connecting to Microsoft 365 with MSCommerce Module

To start working with the MSCommerce Module, you must connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant using global admin account information.

PS C:UsersCengizYILMAZ> Connect-MSCommerce
Connection established successfully
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