Exchange Mailboxes on the server may stop consuming resources and enter quarantine status. During this process, the connection to Outlook is disconnected and when you try to log in via OWA, you may encounter an error like the one below.

Exception type: Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionMailboxQuarantined

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MS Outlook application following MAPI connection Exchange ServerIt creates multiple workloads and uses resources. When the workloads it creates freeze for a certain reason, the remaining workloads start to consume more CPU and create more load on the Exchange Server. In order to avoid falling into a down state, Exchange Server quarantines the mailboxes associated with this account for a certain period of time.

If you do not want to wait for it to automatically exit quarantine, you can do this yourself via Regedit.

First of all, we need to follow the quarantine status of the account via EMS;

Get-MailboxStatistics "email address" | Select DisplayName, IsQuarantined | Format-Table -AutoSize

In the output of the command 'IsQuarantinedIf the ' section appears as 'True', the account is also quarantined.

To track the total quarantine duration, go to Regedit and type “MailboxQuarantineDurationInSecondsYou can find it by searching for the key. Depending on the relevant period, you can wait for the process to be automatic and perform the process again via Regedit.

We need to find out the GUID value for the mailbox by running the following commands,

get-mailbox -identity <Mailbox> |fl *guid*
Get-mailboxdatabase -identity <DatabaseName> |fl *guid*

Then we need to follow the regedit path below,


The GUID value we learned QuarantinedMailboxes” we need to find it under and delete it, after the relevant deletion process is completed, the quarantine status will be eliminated.

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In addition, you can also remove the Quarantine status via EMS;

Disable-MailboxQuarantine –Identity Mailbox Name -Database <Database-name>

removes the mailbox from quarantine status and then you can reconnect it to the Exchange Server. Some important features of the cmdlet are mentioned below;

  • -Database The Database parameter specifies the name of the database that contains the affected mailbox.
  • -Identity  The Identity parameter requires the name of the mailbox that you want to remove from quarantine. You can easily use any value like Name, Alias, Distinguished Name, Email Address, GUID, Canonical DN.
  • -IncludeAllDatabases IncludeAllDatabases parameter indicates the option to include all databases in which mailboxes are quarantined.
  • -IncludeAllMailboxes IncludeAllMailboxes parameter indicates the option to include all quarantined mailboxes in the database. The parameter also does not require any value to be set here.
  • -IncludePassive IncludePassive This also includes all mailboxes that do not have the parameter enabled.

