How to Disable Microsoft Store?

Microsoft Storeis a platform used to install applications and games on Windows devices. However, in some corporate or individual cases, it may be necessary to disable Microsoft Store. This is done specifically to prevent children or employees from installing unauthorized applications or to optimize system resources.

In this article, Microsoft StoreWe will cover in detail the various methods of disabling .

Important information;
Software Restriction Policies (SRP): As of Windows 10 Build 1803, this feature is marked as deprecated. However, it still works without any issues.

Best recommended method to block Microsoft Store

Best Recommended Ways to Block Microsoft Store

StatusRecommended Method
Windows 10/11 ProSRP or PowerShell
Windows EnterpriseApplocker or GPO
Multiple Device Management(enterprise)Microsoft Intune
You want to completely remove Microsoft StorePowerShell

How to Disable Microsoft Store with Group Policy?

Group Policy, It is known as an administrative tool for managing Windows devices and users. To disable Microsoft Store on our Windows 10/11 Pro devices, we need to use Software Restriction Policies (SRP) in Group Policy.

Block Microsoft Store Using Software Restriction Policies (SRP) in Group Policy

Windows 10 / 11 Your Pro devices too Software Restriction Policies (SRP) using Microsoft Store To disable, first Group Policy Management You must open the console.

Creating a New Group Policy

Group Policy Management We open the console, here we create a new Policy can create or Current Policy You can edit via. Create a new Policy I will continue the process by creating.

Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here.. with a new button Policy we create.

1 picture

Adding Microsoft Store Blocking Rule with Software Restriction Policy

MicrosoftStoreBlocked We added as Policy üzerinde Software Restriction Policy (SRP) We can add a rule for .

The path we need to follow through Policy is as follows;

Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Software Restrictions Policies > Additional Rules

2 picture

Additional Rules Right click on the section "New Path RulesWe need to continue with the ” option.

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New Path Rule located in the section Path The value we need to enter in the section should be as follows.

The security level section is disallowed It needs to be positioned as.

image 4 png

After saving the relevant transaction with “OK”, the rule you added in the additional rules section should look like the image.

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Verify Microsoft Store Blocking with Software Restriction Policy

The Policy we have created is specific OU After adding it as a Link, gpupdate on the relevant devices, gpupdate / force or you can check that it works by restarting the devices.

Updating policy...

Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
User Policy update has completed successfully.
7 picture

gpupdate after running Microsoft Store when I want to open it” This app has been blocked by your system administratorWe welcome you with the warning, Microsoft Store We confirm that it is not opened.

image 8 png

Block Microsoft Store Using Built-In Policy

In your institution Windows 10 / 11 Enterprise or Educations You may be using versions of and Microsoft Store If you want to block, Pro different from the version AppLocker or built-in GPO You can use.

First of all, you need to follow the steps below on the Policy you created.

  • Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Store\Turn off the Store application
10 picture
  • Turn off the Store application You need to set the option to Enabled.
When you set the Turn off the Store application option to Enabled, access to the Microsoft Store is blocked.

If you enable this setting, access to the Store app is denied. Access to the Store is required to install app updates.

image 11 png
  • Disable all apps from Microsoft Store: This setting disables any apps that were previously installed or downloaded from Microsoft Store from launching. Additionally, the apps will not be updated and the Microsoft Store app will also be disabled. This setting only applies to Enterprise and Education editions of Windows.
  • Only display the private store within the Microsoft Store: This setting only allows viewing of the private store in Microsoft Store and blocks access to the retail catalog.
    • When enabled: Users cannot view the retail catalog in the Microsoft Store, but they can view apps in the private store.
    • When Disabled or Not Configured: Users can access the retail catalogue on the Microsoft Store.
  • Only display the private store within the Microsoft Store: This setting only allows viewing of the private store in Microsoft Store and blocks access to the retail catalog.
    • When enabled: Users cannot view the retail catalog in the Microsoft Store, but they can view apps in the private store.
    • When Disabled or Not Configured: Users can access the retail catalogue on the Microsoft Store.
  • Turn off Automatic Download and Install of updates: This setting controls automatic updating of Microsoft Store apps.
    • When enabled: Automatic downloading and installation of applications is disabled.
    • When Disabled: Automatic download and installation of applications is enabled.
    • When not configured: This behavior depends on a registry setting that the user can change from the Microsoft Store settings.
  • Turn off the offer to update to the latest version of Windows: This setting controls whether the Microsoft Store app offers to upgrade to the latest version of Windows.
    • When enabled: The Microsoft Store app does not offer users to upgrade to the latest version of Windows.
    • When Disabled or Not Configured: The Microsoft Store app offers users to upgrade to the latest version of Windows.

According to our current situation, the Turn off the Store application option seems sufficient; we can block access to the Microsoft Store by setting the relevant setting to enabled.

After creating the policy, it will be enough to perform the Link operation into the OU we want. Then you can check that it is activated with gpupdate and reboot.

store blocked png

Block Microsoft Store Using Regedit

Microsoft Store access to Group Policy as can be managed with Regedit Transactions can also be made via the following methods: Regedit will allow you to make transactions via.

There is no WindowsStore key in Regedit by default, in this case you need to create your WindowsStore key manually.

Show Only Private Store in Microsoft Store (Only display the private store within the Microsoft Store)

  • Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\RequirePrivateStoreOnly
  • Explanation:
    • When this setting is enabled, users cannot access the public retail catalog in the Microsoft Store, but they can view apps in the private store.
  • Values:
    • 1: Show only specialty store.
    • 0 or none: Allows access to the public store

Disable all apps from Microsoft Store

  • Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\DisableStoreApps
  • Explanation:
    • When this setting is enabled, any apps downloaded or pre-installed from Microsoft Store will be blocked from launching. Additionally, app updates will not be made and the Store app will be disabled.
      This setting only applies to Enterprise and Education editions of Windows. Microsoft Learn
  • Values:
    • 1: Disables all Store apps
    • 0 or none: Allows Store apps

Turn off the offer to update to the latest version of Windows

  • Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\DisableOSUpgrade
  • Explanation:
    • When this setting is enabled, the Microsoft Store app will not prompt users to upgrade to the latest version of Windows.
  • Values:
    • 1: Disables upgrade offers
    • 0 or none: Allows upgrade offers

Turn off Automatic Download of updates on Win8 machines

  • Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\AutoDownload
  • Explanation:
    • This setting controls the downloading of automatic updates for Microsoft Store apps in Windows 8. This can be useful in environments with specific data usage policies or bandwidth limitations.
  • Values:
    • 2: Disables automatic downloads
    • 4: Enables automatic download

Completely Close Microsoft Store App (Turn off Automatic Download and Install of updates)

  • Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore\RemoveWindowsStore
  • Explanation:
    • When this setting is enabled, access to the Microsoft Store app is completely blocked. Users will receive a warning message when they try to open the Store. This is used to prevent unwanted app installations, especially in corporate environments.
  • Values:
    • 1: Closes the Store app
    • 0 or none: Allows Store app

Steps to take for managing Microsoft Store with Regedit

  1. Open Registry Editor:
    • Win + R pressing the keys run open the window.
    • regedit typing Registry Editor start.
  2. Go to the relevant Registry Path:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore follow your path.
  3. Create New DWORD Value:
    • Right click and New > DWORD (32-bit) Value Select the option.
    • Name the value you created with the key names above (for example, DisableStoreApps).
  4. Set Value Data:
    • Double click on the value you created and Value data Enter the relevant value in the field (0 or 1).
  5. Restart the Computer:

Steps to Uninstall Microsoft Store with PowerShell

In this article we talked about how to close Microsoft Store access and what methods can be used, in some cases you may want to completely remove the Microsoft Store environment.

  1. Start PowerShell as Administrator
  2. Type or paste the following command into the PowerShell window and Enter Press the key:
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsStore* | Remove-AppxPackage

The command may take a few seconds to run. Once the process is complete, the Microsoft Store will be removed from your system. (This method removes the Microsoft Store from your user account.)

You must restart the device in order for the relevant operations to be completed.

Steps to Install Microsoft Store with PowerShell

If you want to reinstall Microsoft Store in the future, simply run the following command via PowerShell.

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

In this article, we talked about the methods of blocking Microsoft Store access and the Microsoft Store Uninstall steps. By following this article, you can manage Microsoft Store in your environment.

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