Failover Clusters Quarantine Mode

Microsoft Failover cluster a in which Node, as a result of various systemic situations,Q” (Quarantine). In this case, the relevant Node is detected as Down by the system and does not go into UP (active) state within the cluster for a certain period of time.

Microsoft Failover Cluster Quarantine Process

When a Node in a Failover Cluster is marked as Quarantine, it does not go into UP state within the cluster for 120 minutes.. The 120-minute period is the default, you can shape this period according to your environment, this shaping process Failover cluster you can't do it from inside.

failover cluster quarantine
When a Quarantine status is detected in a Failover Cluster, this status is recorded as "1676 LOG" in the Event Viewer. 
18 picture

Fixing Failover Cluster Quarantine

If you want to set the relevant Node as UP without waiting for the expected 120 minutes for Quarantine Mode in Failover Cluster, first PowerShell window. The PowerShell command set that should be used to clear the quarantine status of the node and reactivate it is as follows:

Import-Module FailoverClusters

To change Quarantine Mode to ClearQuarantine;

Start-ClusterNode –ClearQuarantine

Failover Cluster QuarantineThreshold Configuration

If you want to change the QuarantineThreshold and QuarantineDuration configurations in a Failover Cluster, you can use the following set of commands. These commands allow you to view the cluster's quarantine threshold and duration and change their settings as needed:

Import-Module FailoverClusters

These commands provide cluster administrators with the ability to dynamically manage system quarantine policies and quickly intervene when necessary, thus optimizing failover cluster performance and helping to minimize system outages.

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