Exchange Server'in database Management is an important part of data storage strategies. On this platform, the database is not physically shrunk, so regular maintenance and management is required to keep your database healthy and efficient.
In this short article, Exchange Server the empty spaces in your database, namely “White space, also known as "Available New Mailbox SpaceWe will cover how you can query the areas known as “empty areas”. These empty areas are areas where deleted data stops taking up space and, with proper management, allow for more efficient use of your database.
Exchange Server'in White space I will provide practical information on how to query its size.
<!– wp:rank-math/toc-block {"headings":[{"key":"8d3ffd14-fb77-485a-97c0-7b06187ac481","content":"Exchange Server WhiteSpace (Available New Mailbox Space) What is it”,”level”:2,”link”:”#exchange-server-white-space-available-new-mailbox-space-what is it”,”disable”:false,”isUpdated”:false,”isGeneratedLink”: true},{“key”:”345a7172-d532-4080-bac8-c9d6aa1fcb63″,”content”:”Exchange Server Creation of WhiteSpace Reasons:”,”level”:2,”link”:”#exchange-server-white-space-in-creation-reasons”,”disable”:false,”isUpdated”:false,”isGeneratedLink”:true},{“ key”:”0a693313-af9c-4d8d-be6f-9a28ec18c1f8″,”content”:”Exchange Server WhiteSpace Usage Logic”,”level”:2,”link”:”#exchange-server-white-space-usage-logic ”,”disable”:false,”isUpdated”:false,”isGeneratedLink”:true},{“key”:”51f4e59a-7e6d-4661-82fd-fc07f398fe59″,”content”:”WhiteSpace on Database in Exchange Server How to Control Is it possible?”,”level”:2,”link”:”#how-to-control-white-space-on-database-on-exchange-server”,”disable”:false,”isUpdated”:false,”isGeneratedLink” :true}],”listStyle”:”ul”} –>What is Exchange Server WhiteSpace (Available New Mailbox Space)
Exchange Serverin “WhiteSpace, also known as "Available New Mailbox SpaceThe term, also known as “ ”, refers to the available free space in the database. This space consists of the difference between the current data size in the Exchange Server database and the total size of the physical database file.
Exchange Server Reasons for the Formation of WhiteSpace:
- Mail Deletion: Emails and attachments deleted by users leave empty space when removed from the database.
- Archiving and Transport Operations: Archiving operations on user mailboxes or moving mailboxes to another database creates free space in the existing database.
- Account Deletion: When mailboxes of users who leave their jobs or whose accounts are deleted are deleted, the space occupied by those mailboxes remains empty.
- When users delete emails from their mailboxes,
- When the archive operation is performed on the user's mailbox,
- When a user leaves a job and their mailbox is deleted,
- What happens when a user's mailbox is moved from one Exchange database to another, which is another common operation?
- In these scenarios, the question arises as to whether deleted emails, user data, and archived files will still take up space in the Exchange database because the database is not physically shrunk.
- Reply: NoThis deleted data, Exchange Servicer database on “White space” or also known as “Available New Mailbox Space” This frees up space as . This means unused space in the database and this space becomes available for new mailboxes.
Exchange Server WhiteSpace Usage Logic
WhiteSpace, Exchange Server It can be automatically reused by When new mailboxes are created or emails are added to existing mailboxes, this empty space is first filled.
It, Exchange prevents the physical growth of the database and optimizes storage management. However, manual intervention may be required to reduce the physical database size because Exchange Server & Hostingdoes not automatically shrink the database file.
How to Check WhiteSpace on Database in Exchange Server?
Exchange Server How much is in your database? Available New Mailbox Space (White Space) to determine whether PowerShell commands. These commands show the current size of the database and the new mailbox space available:
Exchange Serverlocated in Databases TO YOU and WhiteSpace To learn the dimensions, Exchange Management Shell You can use the following command via .
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Select Name, DatabaseSize, AvailableNewMailboxSpace

If you want a more readable format, you can use this command, which shows the Exchange Server database size and available free space in GB:
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Sort Name | Select Name, @{Name='DB Size (Gb)'; Expression={$_.DatabaseSize.ToGb()}}, @{Name='Available New Mbx Space (Gb)'; Expression={$_.AvailableNewMailboxSpace.ToGb()}}

To list the database name, size and available free space in a table format that you can easily see in Exchange Server:
Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | Format-Table Name, DatabaseSize, AvailableNewMailboxSpace -Auto
Result: Exchange Server It will help you monitor the health of your database and perform maintenance when necessary. Effective use of free space optimizes the performance of your system and reduces storage costs.
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