Exchange Server DAG (Database Availability Group) In order to run it in the structure, a Witness Server is needed. Usually, this is a Active Directory It is run on a server, but it will always be healthier to set up a separate server.
In some cases Exchange Server DAG in your environment Witness Basic problems occur for the server, these are generally caused by incorrect configurations.
Exchange Server Witness Control Procedures
To control the DAG Witness server via Exchange Management Shell, you can use the following command:
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Identity "cYDAG01" -Status | ft Name, Witness*, Servers
The output of this command is as follows;
WitnessServer :
WitnessDirectory : E:DAGFileShareWitnessesDAG1.domain.local
AlternateWitnessServer :
AlternateWitnessDirectory :
WitnessShareInUse : InvalidConfiguration
DxStoreWitnessServers :
WitnessShareInUse parameters should be taken into account. InvalidConfiguration To solve the problem, first of all You need to check the firewall access and port 445 on the Witness server.
Witness Control Procedures for Failover Cluster
using the following command Cluster a Witness You can check the server;
The output of this command is as follows;
Name State OwnerGroup ResourceType
---- ----- ---------- ------------
File Share Witness ( Failed
Bringing the Witness Server Online with PowerShell
To trigger this process manually, you can use the following set of commands or create a new Witness server;
Get-ClusterResource | Start-ClusterResource
Name State OwnerGroup ResourceType
---- ----- ---------- ------------
File Share Witness ( Online
Start-ClusterResource parameter to bring the Witness server back online. Depending on the situation, you can deploy a new directory on your Witness server.
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