Exchange OnlineMeeting rooms are set to default Free/Busy This article also shows Exchange OnlineWe will talk about how we can display detailed information for meeting rooms.
How to Show Topic and Details in Meeting Rooms in Exchange Online?
Exchange Online'in Room Mailbox Meeting topics are not shown by default, Microsoft planned this both to hide privacy and to simplify calendar views.
If your organization wants to show full details for Meeting Room mailboxes, this is not something you can do through the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. 365 Admin Center üzerinde AddOrganizerToSubject Since there is no parameter Exchange Online'at Powershell You need to connect with .
We need to connect to Exchange Online with Powershell.
connect-ExchangeOnline -UseRPrincipalName [email protected]

You can use the following command set to get the list of all Room Mailboxes in Tenant

PS C:UsersLENOVO> Get-EXOMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails roommailbox
ExternalDirectoryObjectId : d1170d34-2300-4c45-90ae-ae6a591f7c94
UserPrincipalName : [email protected]
Alias : toplanti2
DisplayName : toplanti2
EmailAddresses : {smtp:[email protected], SMTP:[email protected]}
PrimarySmtpAddress : [email protected]
RecipientType : UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails : RoomMailbox
Identity : toplanti2
Id : toplanti2
ExchangeVersion : 0.20 (
Name : toplanti2
DistinguishedName : CN=toplanti2,,OU=Microsoft Exchange Hosted
OrganizationId : EURP195A001.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations/ -
Guid : 981e9644-d718-4116-bc57-877ab36cf6f2
Set Limited details AccessRights for Meeting rooms in Exchange Online
In order to show the subject and editor calendar for meeting rooms in Exchange Online, we need to grant Limited Details (Limited Access). For this process, the following Set-MailboxFolderPermission We need to perform the operation with the command.
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Meetingroom:calendar -User default -AccessRights LimitedDetails

How to Show Details for All Meeting Rooms in Exchange Online?
In Exchange Online, it is possible to show the details of all your meeting rooms in Tenant collectively.
The parameters we need to use to show details such as the meeting creator on the calendar are different and by default these parameters are $True.
By default, the DeleteSubject setting is True, which means the calendar assistant sets the subject of incoming message requests. Because we told the calendar assistant not to copy the organizer's name, the subject property remains blank.
These settings are not retroactive, and Exchange Online cannot scan old events to repopulate meeting subjects with the original values. Meeting organizers can force the calendar assistant to update events in a room calendar. They can do this by making changes to the events.
AddOrganizerToSubject = $true
DeleteComments = $false
DeleteSubject = $false
$ResourceMbx = Get-ExoMailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox
After our first variable operation, we need to get the list of our meeting room accounts along with the variable we used to verify our meeting room accounts.
$ResourceMbx | ft
Then, to change the default settings in the meeting rooms, we just need to use the command set below.
$ResourceMbx| %{Set-MailboxFolderPermission $_":Calendar" -User Default -AccessRights LimitedDetails} # Display the meetings details $ResourceMbx| %{Set-CalendarProcessing $_ -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false}
With this process, all details for newly created meetings will appear on the calendar.